11. Arithmetics

WLA is able to solve really complex calculations like

-((HELLO / 2) | 3)

so you can write something like

LD HL, data_end-data
LD A, (pointer + 1)
CP (TEST + %100) & %10101010

WLALINK also has this ability so it can compute the pending calculations WLA wasn’t able to solve.

The following operators are valid:

, comma
| or
& and
^ power
<< shift left
>> shift right
+ plus
- minux
# modulo
~ xor
* multiply
/ divide
< get the low byte
> get the high byte

Note that you can do NOT using XOR:

  • VALUE_A ~ $FF is 8-bit NOT
  • VALUE_B ~ $FFFF is 16-bit NOT

WLA computes internally with real numbers so (5/2)*2 produces 5, not 4.