7. Files

7.1. examples

The main purpose of the files in the examples directory is to test that WLA and WLALINK can assemble and link the tiny project correctly. You can also take a look at the code and syntax in the files, but beware: if you run the rom files you probably don’t see anything on screen.

include directory under gb-z80 could be very useful as the six include files there have all the Game Boy hardware register address and memory definitions you could ever need and more.

7.2. examples/gb-z80/lib

This folder holds few very useful libraries for you to use in your Game Boy projects. Instead of reinventing the wheel, use the stuff found in here. Remember to compile the libraries right after you’ve installed WLA by executing make in the lib directory.

7.3. memorymaps

Here you can find default memory maps (see .MEMORYMAP) for various computers and video game consoles.